Judges 7:2(KJV); And the LORD said unto Gideon, Thepeople that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me.
Gideon was all set for battle against the Midianites with an impressive army of thirty-two thousand men.
The Lord told him that those people were too many for Him to give Gideon victory. He cut the number down to three hundred men!
How does this translate to the life of the Christian?
There are Christians with too many connections for God to help them; they are ‘too educated’ for God to raise them up .There is too much around them that gives them comfort and security for them to depend entirely on God.
God does not want to win your battles on your terms. He doesn’t want to use your connections as a stepping stone to launch you into your destiny. He doesn’t want to lean on your credentials to open doors for you. He wants the world to look at your success story and come to only one conclusion, that it was Him alone at work in you.
Are you clinging too hard to your abilities, your friends, your relatives, or your academic papers? All that is too much for God to give you victory in that war.
Don’t set your eyes on what you have, set your eyes on Him( The Lord), He is the ultimate source of victory.
FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 33:16, 1 Samuel 17:47
GOLDEN..NUGGET: God does not want to win your battles on your terms. He doesn’t want to use your connections as a stepping stone to launch you into your destiny. He doesn’t want to lean on your credentials to open doors for you. He wants the world to look at your success story and come to only one conclusion, that it was Him alone at work in you.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for this Word. Thank You for the constant victory that I have in You. My heart and spirit are yielded to You and what You desire to do. I choose to live life fully on your terms and not my own. You are my connector, you are my door and you are my opportunity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.