Acts 24:16 (KJV); And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.
Your conscience must first be void of offence toward God, before it is void of offence toward men.
Some people are more eager to have clear consciences before men than before God and are so busy seeking from these men justification for their actions.
Men are quite fickle my friend, as you will no doubt prove from time to time.
Begin with God.
Saul was a king caught up in the desire to please men at the cost of pleasing God. In 1 Samuel 15:24 (MSG Bible Version), he says, “I’ve sinned. I’ve trampled roughshod over GOD’s Word and your instructions. I cared more about pleasing the people. I let them tell me what to do.”
The tragedy? It cost him his entire kingdom.
People will always try to prevail over you in your desire to do what is right in the eyes of God.
In such moments, exercise the boldness of Daniel. When his enemies tried to put a muzzle on his prayer life, he did not cower in the corner of his house to cry to God in fear. He threw open the windows of his upper room, got on his knees and made a public statement of his intention to continue worshipping the living God (Daniel 6:10).
The Church of Christ has suffered for too long with Christians who are too timid to take a stand for truth and righteousness in both their personal lives and in their societies. It is amazing how easily some people’s morals camouflage when in the company of their “buddies.”
You must learn to “throw open some upper room windows.”
History might take its time vindicating you, you might lose some friends because you do not fit in but rest assured that heaven takes notice every time you choose the less travelled road of pleasing God over the well trodden path of pleasing men.
Be wise yet bold in your faith.
Even when the eyes of the world are on you hoping you will be politically correct in how you minister the gospel, stick to the truth of His Word because your conscience is void of offence toward God.
FURTHER STUDY: Galatians 1:10, Acts 5:29
GOLDEN NUGGET: Your conscience must first be void of offence toward God, before it is void of offence toward men. Even when the eyes of the world are on you hoping you will be politically correct in how you minister the gospel, stick to the truth of His Word because your conscience is void of offence toward God.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for this knowledge. Your Word is the standard of my truth. I never negotiate at the table of compromise because I choose to please You rather than please men. In Jesus’ name, Amen.