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Daily Devotionals

One of the missions here at Camp Chara is to go beyond a week of two of youth camps per a year. That is why we take the time to create lessons from God's word designed for youth to read daily and grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray each one of these devo's is a source of blessings and encouragement.

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Writer's pictureAsijaali Timothy

God’s Bill

Hebrews 11:8(AMP); [Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go.

It is often said that God’s will is His bill. Today, I wish for you to understand an even deeper concept: His Word is His bill.

When Abraham set off for Canaan, all he had to rely on was God’s word to him. He did not have a strategy on conquest or a business plan on how to succeed in strange lands.

Without a doubt, providence is usually a sign that one is in the perfect will of God. But how do you define providence? Is it enough money for the project? Is it the right connections for your initiative to succeed? Not necessarily so, child of God.

Primarily, God’s Word is His providence.

By the Word, Abraham thrived in Canaan; by the Word, he grew exceedingly wealthy and by the Word, he left an enduring legacy for his children.

Are you waiting to be gifted with machines and rental space to start a ministry? No! If you have His Word, it is enough, launch out.

Are you waiting for the favour of a relative to finance your business idea? You might wait forever. If you have God’s Word, that is enough, just start.

Every time doubts arise as to whether you should start that project, plant that church or take a step in the direction of personal progress, His Word should silence all your excuses because it is His providence.


FURTHER STUDY: Ecclesiastes 11:4, Proverbs 30:5

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for this knowledge. I thank You for the precious gift of Your word and voice telling me, “this is the way, walk in it.” Like father Abraham set off to the promised land armed with the word, I too launch out in this pattern knowing that the word will never fail. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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