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Daily Devotionals

One of the missions here at Camp Chara is to go beyond a week of two of youth camps per a year. That is why we take the time to create lessons from God's word designed for youth to read daily and grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray each one of these devo's is a source of blessings and encouragement.

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Writer's pictureAsijaali Timothy

According to your Faith

Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you"; and their sight was restored. —Matthew 9:29-30 If you’re in Christ Jesus, you’ve been given a promise from God of an overcoming and victorious life. It’s not a hope or a dream; it’s reality. Despite this truth, many in the Church seem to go through the same difficulties over and over. Some people’s trials may have to do with sickness and disease, while others appear to go from one financial emergency to another. The truth of the matter is that a lot of them have no idea why they struggle like they do. After a period of time, some even give up the fight and settle for whatever comes their way. Scripture declares that we are to live by faith. The fact is that the vast majority of believers go through the same battles repeatedly because they’ve either never had faith in those areas or they’ve given up their faith on that subject. Very few tap into the power that Jesus gained for them in His resurrection. Even fewer are accessing the riches that are available to them in Christ Jesus. Why is that? Because many of these things aren’t obtained according to the promise, they are possessed according to our faith. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met people who are getting ready to either pioneer a church or to go to the mission field. It seems like folks with that pioneering spirit are just drawn to us. Every time I meet one of these servants of God, I say, “Neja and I would love to sow a seed into what you’re going to be doing. Make sure you stop by our office before you leave.” Do you know how many of these future pastors and missionaries actually drop by or make an appointment? Sadly, very, very few take me up on my offer. I realize I could get their business card or ask for their address and send them a check, but that’s not how God has dealt with me to handle these situations. I feel that I should give them an invitation and if they’ll come by, I will sow into their work. If they make the effort to drive to our ministry headquarters, we cut a seed check in their name. It’s not a matter of having the seed. The issue is not whether or not I communicated my intention. It has to do with releasing a financial blessing in the way I feel God has instructed me to do so. Similarly, God wants us to take Him up on His offers. God has instructed us that many of the things He has promised us, like protection, healing, and provision, are released by our faith. Sure, He could just drop them out of heaven into our lives, but He’s made it clear through His Word and by the life of Jesus that He does not normally operate this way. He desires that we receive these spiritual and physical blessings by faith. You won’t walk in divine health or heavenly prosperity by wishful thinking. These things won’t become a reality in your life through simple hope. The overcoming, victorious life promised by God comes to you according to your faith. Scriptural Context Matthew 9:27-33 Concept Reinforcement He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” —Mark 5:34 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. —Mark 10:52 Jesus said Unsubscribmerc

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